Monday, February 22, 2010

Have you heard about MeetUp?

It is a great online resource to find groups, organizations, happy hours, etc. with people in your industry! MeetUp today!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Job Opening for an Interior Design student!

Showroom Assistant Intern needed. Learning all aspects on how a showroom runs. memo filing, putting together schemes, some merchandising, learning our products. unpaid, but offers great experience. For a Designer showroom in Dallas selling fabrics, furniture,
rugs, lighting, hardware, bedding and wallpaper.
To apply, email your resume to Betty Danielson at

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Me 2.0"

Check out "ME 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand To Achieve Career Success" by
Dan Schawbel
#1 Career Book for 2009 - New York Post

It was an honor to have him speak on a conference call that I was a part of today. Dan Schawbel is profound and inspiring! I highly recommend you go to your nearest bookstore and buy this book.

Some highlights from the book include:

- A proven 4-step process for building a powerful brand (discover, create, communicate, maintain).
- Tips on using social media tools for personal empowerment, confidence building, and professional networking in order to attract jobs directly to you, without applying!
- Tested advice on how to create an online and offline presence for career protection and self-promotion.

Bottom line: This is the handbook for surviving and thriving in the digital age